Igtimi Yachtbot Firmware
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Data Structures | Macros | Enumerations | Functions
utServerLocation.c File Reference
#include "uTrack.h"
#include "utStrings.h"
#include "utServerLocation.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

Data Structures

union  UT_uServeAddress
struct  UT_uServeLocator


#define DEFAULT_INDEX   0
#define REQ_ITEMS_PER_LINE   2
#define MIN_USEFUL_LINE_LEN   15 - 1




bool utServerLocation_HandleLine (const char *line, u8 lineLength)
bool utServerLocation_HasIP (void)
const char * utServerLocation_GetIP (void)
void utServerLocation_SetIP (const char *inf, u8 length)
bool utServerLocation_HasDNS (void)
const char * utServerLocation_GetDNS (void)
void utServerLocation_Fallback (void)
void utServerLocation_Clear (void)
int utServerLocation_GetPort (void)
void utServerLocation_SetDefaultAllowed (bool allowed)
bool utServerLocation_GetDefaultAllowed (void)
const char * utServerLocation_GetOverrideAddress (void)
int utServerLocation_GetOverridePort (void)
void utServerLocation_SetOverrideLocation (const char *address, bool isIP, u16 port)
bool utServerLocation_IsOverridden (void)
void utServerLocation_ClearOverride (void)

Detailed Description

This system handles parsing a server location list, storing various locations, and selecting one for the cellular module to use.

See also utCell.c , which uses the system implemented here.

Oscar Key

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DEFAULT_INDEX   0

The array index the default server location is stored in. Review logic before trying to change this. The default server location is data.igtimi.com:1212.



The maximum number server locations to store, typically the maximum number of user-defined locations plus the default location. Does not include the override location.


#define MIN_USEFUL_LINE_LEN   15 - 1

The minimum number of characters needed to make up a valid line to parse.


#define REQ_ITEMS_PER_LINE   2

The required number of key:value pairs (items) in a valid line to parse.



The maximum number of user-defined server locations that can be stored, not including the override location.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Expected key:value pair types. Used in the parser.

Function Documentation

◆ utServerLocation_ClearOverride()

void utServerLocation_ClearOverride ( void  )

Clears the override location, removing it and unsetting the current location

◆ utServerLocation_Fallback()

void utServerLocation_Fallback ( void  )

Requests that the server location system fallback to the next server location, if possible. This is not possible if the override location has been set (it overrides all other functionality), or if the default location is disabled but there are no other stored locations.

◆ utServerLocation_GetDefaultAllowed()

bool utServerLocation_GetDefaultAllowed ( void  )

Gets whether or not the default usServer location is enabled.

Whether or not use of the default uServerlocation is allowed.

◆ utServerLocation_GetDNS()

const char * utServerLocation_GetDNS ( void  )

Gets the DNS address of the current location if possible.

A pointer to the current location's DNS address as a string if it exists, else null.

◆ utServerLocation_GetIP()

const char * utServerLocation_GetIP ( void  )

Gets the IP address of the current location if possible.

A pointer to the current location's IP address as a string if it exists, else null.

◆ utServerLocation_GetOverrideAddress()

const char * utServerLocation_GetOverrideAddress ( void  )

Gets the override address if possible.

A pointer to the override address, as a string, if possible, else null.

◆ utServerLocation_GetOverridePort()

int utServerLocation_GetOverridePort ( void  )

Gets the port for the override location if possible.

The port for the override location if possible, else -1.

◆ utServerLocation_GetPort()

int utServerLocation_GetPort ( void  )

Gets the port for the current location if possible.

The port for the current location if possible, else -1.

◆ utServerLocation_HandleLine()

bool utServerLocation_HandleLine ( const char *  line,
u8  lineLength 

HandleLine parses a line of the uServer server location list retrieved http://www.igtimi.com/bot_server/UNIT_ID/MajorVersion.MinorVersion.Build/ using HTTP GET.

lineThe line to parse.
lineLengthThe length, in characters, of the line.
True if the line contained a correctly formatted location, else false.

◆ utServerLocation_HasDNS()

bool utServerLocation_HasDNS ( void  )

Used to determine whether the current uServe location has a stored DNS address.

If the current uServe location has an DNS address or not.

◆ utServerLocation_HasIP()

bool utServerLocation_HasIP ( void  )

Used to determine whether the current uServe location has a stored IP address.

If the current uServe location has an IP address or not.

◆ utServerLocation_IsOverridden()

bool utServerLocation_IsOverridden ( void  )

Used to determine if the override is being used.

Whether or not the override location is currently active.

◆ utServerLocation_SetDefaultAllowed()

void utServerLocation_SetDefaultAllowed ( bool  allowed)

Enables or disables use of the default uServe location.

allowedWhether to allow or forbid use of the default location

◆ utServerLocation_SetIP()

void utServerLocation_SetIP ( const char *  inf,
u8  length 

Stores an IP address for the current location if possible. Typically used after the DNS for the current location has been resolved to an IP address.

infThe address to store.
lengthThe length, in characters, of the address string.

◆ utServerLocation_SetOverrideLocation()

void utServerLocation_SetOverrideLocation ( const char *  address,
bool  isIP,
u16  port 

Sets an override server location. This overrides all other functionality.

addressThe address of the override server location.
isIPWhether or not address is an IP address. If address is not null and isIP is false, address is assumed to be a DNS address.
portThe port to set.