This document 'should' contain all of the uTrack documentation however may be incomplete.
On this page is...
1) Defines
2) Standard Config Options
Sets the Hardware Major Version
Sets the Hardware Minor Version
Makes the startup quiet (Development Only)
Compliles the BT_HFP code into the binary
Sets the number of audio buffers. Should be min of 8 when in used. Must be in muliples of 2.
Turns on logging out of the serial port. (Development Only)
Used in windbot builds
Used in HPSNZ builds
uart baud 0 4800
monitor on
logfile payloads on
logfile nmea off
logfile imu off
logfile wind off
logfile gps off
alert volume 0.01
audio volume 1.0
battery shutdown 3.3
file cull 100
[no default commands here]
gps rate 2
gps on
cell on
imu rate 4
imu message euler 1 log
imu on
imu axes bow
imu start
wind on
nmea rmc on
nmea gga off
nmea zda off
nmea mwva off
nmea mwvt on
nmea mwd off
nmea vtg off
nmea hdgm on
nmea vdr on
nmea wpl off
nmea on
nav declination auto
nav tw limit aws 0
nav on
wct convention from
wct mindist 4
wct mintime 20
wct off
bt on
ant channels 3
ant pair 0 0 BC
ant pair 1 0 CBSC
ant pair 2 0 HRM
ant on