Igtimi Yachtbot Firmware
This page contains documentation on the commands supported by the Igtimi Yachtbot/Windbot firmware.
The commands can be issued as part of the config, or via a server connection.
See the 'Topics' Index above for a list of command handlers.
You can find further documentation and links to the latest firmware on the Igtimi Support site.
With the shutdown of the Igtimi web platform, the default server connection will no longer work.
You can still connect to the devices via Bluetooth, or connect it to a server of your own using the RIOT SERVER_ADDRESS option:
This option is only available after updating to Firmware 2.2.540 or greater!
uart baud 0 4800 monitor on
logfile payloads on logfile nmea off logfile imu off logfile wind off logfile gps off ```
alert volume 0.01
audio volume 1.0
battery shutdown 3.3
file cull 100
gps rate 2
gps on
cell on
imu rate 4
imu message euler 1 log
imu on
imu axes bow
imu start
wind on
nmea rmc on
nmea gga off
nmea zda off
nmea mwva off
nmea mwvt on
nmea mwd off
nmea vtg off
nmea hdgm on
nmea vdr on
nmea wpl off
nmea on
nav declination auto
nav tw limit aws 0
nav on
wct convention from
wct mindist 4
wct mintime 20
wct off
bt on
ant channels 3
ant pair 0 0 BC
ant pair 1 0 CBSC
ant pair 2 0 HRM
ant on