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Module imuCommands
Sets the orientation of the IMU. Note: This only affects the Orientation estimation, not Magnetometer, Accelerometer or Gyro data.
AXES is a synonym.

DECK: YachtBot is placed flat on the deck with the GPS antenna facing towards the bow, and the sticker pointing to the sky.
BOW: YachtBot is mounted on the bow (front) with the GPS antenna facing the sky, and the sticker pointing forwards.
STERN: YachtBot is mounted on the stern (back) with the GPS antenna facing the sky, and the sticker pointing backwards.
PORT: YachtBot is mounted on the port (left) side with the GPS antenna facing the sky, and the sticker pointing away from the boat
STARBOARD: YachtBot is mounted on the starboard (right) side with the GPS antenna facing the sky, and the sticker pointing away from the boat
UNITY: Unity used the natural axes of the IMU. This is. +tve X is out the bung, +tve Y is out the bottom of the case, +tve Z is to the left.