Commands for the RTK Corrections module. They are prefixed by "CORS ".
- ON:
- OFF:
- "CORS SOURCE [source serial number eg AA-AA-AAAA]" Set the serial number of the base station that teh rover will try to recieve correction from.
- "CORS BASE" Make YachtBot act in the BASE Station Mode. This sends corrections data from teh GPS over the cell connection.
- "CORS ROVER" Make the YachtBot act in the ROVER mode. This connects to the BASE with the SOURCE serial number. All data recieved from the cell connection is sent to the GPS.
- "CORS SURVEY" Not used any more. The BASE mode does a survey each time it turns on. Survey time length is set in the GPS config.
- only use in code review of the Rover code, by sending this command over a serial link, to fake a response from a base.
- only use in code review, by sending this command over a serial link, to fake a response from the server.
- only use in code review, by sending this command over a serial link. This will print out the current state of the state engine.